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[영어표현] 손해 / 이득 1. It cost me a lot. (of time / money / manpower..) 제가 (시간 / 금전적 / 인력) 손해를 많이 봤어요. 2. cause + damage It caused a lot of damage. 많은 피해를 입었다. 3. suffer loss / sustain + loss We suffered a huge (great) loss. The company sustained a huge loss / setback last quarter. 지난 분기에 그 회사는 적자를 봤다. (=It cost the company a lot of money.) 4. setback (구동사) The pandemic set us bak quite a lot. 5. It's my loss. / It.. 더보기
[영어표현] One thing led to another 1. One thing led to another : 하다보니 그렇게 됐다. 어느 날 보니 그러고 있더라. 2. the next thing I knew 3. before I knew it : 상황이 빨리 바뀌었다. (계획했던 일이 아니어서 어째서 그렇게 됐는지는 모른다.) A : How did you guys (two) meet? B : Well, we werer attending a Spanish class together and the teacher would pair us up to practice. So, we naturally got to talking. And, before I knew it, we werer texting each other and spending more time outsi.. 더보기
[영어표현] 혼나다 / 꾸중을 듣다 1. get in trouble 문제가 생기다, 문제에 휘말리다. I got in a lot of trouble today at work. 저 오늘 직장에서 엄청 혼났어요. 2. yell at / get yall at yell at (someone) : 누구를 야단치다. get yell at : 야단 맞다. ex) I got yelled at at work today. ex) My boss yelled at me today at work. 오늘 상사한테 혼났어. ex) My girlfriend yelled at me today. 오늘 여자친구한테 혼났어. ex) I got yelled at by my girlfriend today. 오늘 여자친구한테 야단 맞았어. 3. I mad someone mad. .. 더보기
[영어표현] 무리하다 1. get carried away 어떤 일에 심취하거나 사로잡혀서, 혹은 너무 집중하다보니 나도 모르게 지나치게 하게 되다. ex) I met with some friends yesterday for drinks and we got a little carried away. 어제 친구들 만나서 술 한잔 했는데, 좀 무리했어요. We got a little carried away. ex) I know I've been somewhat overdoing it lately but it's December. You know how it is. 최근에 좀 무리하고 있다는 것은 아는데, 연말이라.. 너도 알잖아. ex) There's far too much food - I'm afraid I got carried .. 더보기
[영어표현] Know 1. You never know. 그건 모르는 거야. 모르는 일이야. 사람일은 모르는거야. =You never know for sure. =You can never know for sure. You never know when you might need them again. You never know what someone is really thinking. You can never know for sure what someone is (really) thinking. 2. You know better (than to) 그러면 안되는거 너도 잘 알잖아 / 무엇을 하면 안된다는 것을 잘 알 나이가 됐거나, 충분한 경험이 있다는 의미 Come on, you know better than to believe .. 더보기
[영어표현] Keep / Catch Keep track of Keep up with Catch up on The meetings are fairly fast-paced. 회의가 꽤 빨리 진행 되거든요. So until you get used to it, don't worry too much about keeping track of every little detail. 그래서 익숙해 질 때까지는 모든 내용을 일일이 다 기억할 필요는 없고요, Just try to keep up with the overall flow. 전체적인 내용(흐름)만 따라간다고 생각하세요. And the meetings are entirely recorded, so you can catch up on anything you might've missed, afterwar.. 더보기
[영어표현] Hook 1. Be(get) hooked on + something 무언가에 꽂힌 / 빠진 / 중독된 ex) I was really hooked on European beer for a while but now I'm not really into anything in particular. 한동안 유럽 맥주에 꽂혔다가 지금은 딱히 어떤 특정 맥주를 좋아하지는 않아. ex) I'm really into reading these days. ex) I'm really hooked on this book these days. 2. get + (someone) + hooked on + (something) 누구를 무엇에 꽂히게 하다. My sister is actually the one who got me hooked on.. 더보기