신용하 썸네일형 리스트형 [영어표현] Keep / Catch Keep track of Keep up with Catch up on The meetings are fairly fast-paced. 회의가 꽤 빨리 진행 되거든요. So until you get used to it, don't worry too much about keeping track of every little detail. 그래서 익숙해 질 때까지는 모든 내용을 일일이 다 기억할 필요는 없고요, Just try to keep up with the overall flow. 전체적인 내용(흐름)만 따라간다고 생각하세요. And the meetings are entirely recorded, so you can catch up on anything you might've missed, afterwar.. 더보기 [영어표현] Hook 1. Be(get) hooked on + something 무언가에 꽂힌 / 빠진 / 중독된 ex) I was really hooked on European beer for a while but now I'm not really into anything in particular. 한동안 유럽 맥주에 꽂혔다가 지금은 딱히 어떤 특정 맥주를 좋아하지는 않아. ex) I'm really into reading these days. ex) I'm really hooked on this book these days. 2. get + (someone) + hooked on + (something) 누구를 무엇에 꽂히게 하다. My sister is actually the one who got me hooked on.. 더보기 이전 1 다음