live academy 썸네일형 리스트형 [영어표현] 무리하다 1. get carried away 어떤 일에 심취하거나 사로잡혀서, 혹은 너무 집중하다보니 나도 모르게 지나치게 하게 되다. ex) I met with some friends yesterday for drinks and we got a little carried away. 어제 친구들 만나서 술 한잔 했는데, 좀 무리했어요. We got a little carried away. ex) I know I've been somewhat overdoing it lately but it's December. You know how it is. 최근에 좀 무리하고 있다는 것은 아는데, 연말이라.. 너도 알잖아. ex) There's far too much food - I'm afraid I got carried .. 더보기 [영어표현] Hook 1. Be(get) hooked on + something 무언가에 꽂힌 / 빠진 / 중독된 ex) I was really hooked on European beer for a while but now I'm not really into anything in particular. 한동안 유럽 맥주에 꽂혔다가 지금은 딱히 어떤 특정 맥주를 좋아하지는 않아. ex) I'm really into reading these days. ex) I'm really hooked on this book these days. 2. get + (someone) + hooked on + (something) 누구를 무엇에 꽂히게 하다. My sister is actually the one who got me hooked on.. 더보기 이전 1 다음