1. It cost me a lot. (of time / money / manpower..)
제가 (시간 / 금전적 / 인력) 손해를 많이 봤어요.
2. cause + damage
It caused a lot of damage.
많은 피해를 입었다.
3. suffer loss / sustain + loss
We suffered a huge (great) loss.
The company sustained a huge loss / setback last quarter.
지난 분기에 그 회사는 적자를 봤다.
(=It cost the company a lot of money.)
4. setback (구동사)
The pandemic set us bak quite a lot.
5. It's my loss. / It's your loss.
내 손해야, 니 손해야.
6. 야, 이거 안먹어보면 손해야.
Hey, try this.
You don't know what you're missing (out on)
7. 난 손해 볼 것 없어 / 니가 손해 볼 것은 없잖아.
I I have nothing to lose
I've got nothing to lose.
You have got nothing to lose.
8. 내(네) 이득이다.
It's better for me / you.
That's better for you.
9. have <something / a lot / little / more> to gain
그게 나한테 무슨 이득이 있니?
What do I have to gain from that?
How does that benefit me? (비교적 formal)
10. 어떤 연구자들은 건강한 음식을 더 많이 먹는 것보다 음식을 전체적으로 제한하는 것에서 더 많은 이득을 볼 수 있다고 한다.
Some researchers say that it's better to maintain an overall restrictive diet than to eat more healthy foods.
Some researchers say that there is more to gain from an overall restrictive diet than eating more healthy foods.
Some researchers say that there is more to benefit from an overall restrictive diet than eating more healthy foods.
suffer loss
ex) Deposit insurance guaranteed that depositors would not suffer any losses.
It would help if you could show that you suffered significant losses because of what other employees did after leaving.
ex) He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer.. I realized he was suffering from shock.
ex) Many parents feel a sense of loss when their children leave home.
ex) He suffered a gradual loss of memory.
ex) There will be substatial job losses if the factory closes down.
ex) He suffered hearing loss from testing aircraft engines.
ex) The peace process has suffered a serious blow now.. He suffered another setback in its efforts to obtain financial suport for its reforms.
ex) She had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she experienced / suffered a setback.
ex) There has been a slight / temporary setback in our plans.
ex) The mayor has gained a lot of support from the teacher's union.
ex) What do you hope to gain from the course?
ex) After you've gained some experience teaching abroad, you can come home and get a job.
ex) The thieves gained entrance through an upstairs window that was left open.
ex) The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town.
ex) I didn't get (much) benefit from school.
ex) She drinks a lot less now, to the benefit of her health as a whole.
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