A : Are you OK? You've been kind of quiet lately in group chat.
B : Oh, I'm fine. I've just had a lot on my mind lately, I guess.
A : Oh, of couse. Well, um.. If there's anything I can do.
B : Thanks, but I'll manage. Just some stuff I gotta figure out.
A : Well, you know, sometimes it's better to take your mind off the problem and spend time doing other normal things. I think that's why some people clean when they're under stress. They said it relaxes the (your) brain and it helps you think more creatively or something.
B : Maybe that's why people always come up with good ideas in the shower, huh?
A : Exactly.
*최근의 일이 아니라, 요즘 고민이 많다고 할 때는 I have a lot on my mind these days.
take A off B : A에서 B를 떼다
take your mind off the problem.
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